For our final reading assignment you will be responsible for reading two articles from Graphic Design Theory. More on that below.
The written portion for this week will not be a direct response to the readings. Instead, your assignment will be to post (1) “sketches” of your poster and (2) a working bibliography.
You can interpret sketches literally and/or loosely; include actual drawings, outlines of material, or brainstorms of related ideas. The bibliography can include relevant assigned readings, but it must also include at least 6 outside sources.
Back to the readings…again, you must read two articles from Graphic Design Theory, but this week you will decide which ones you would like to read. You may choose from:
Kenya Hara, Designing Design (2007):
Jessica Helfand, Dematerialization of Screen Space (2001):
Kalle Lasn, Design Anarchy (2006):
Ellen Lupton and Julia Lupton, Univers Strikes Back (2007):
Lev Manovich, Import/Export, or Design Workflow and Contemporary Aesthetics (2008):
Dmitri Siegel, Designing Our Own Graves (2006):
Jan Van Toorn, Design and Reflexivity (1994):
Feel free to email me with any project-related questions that might come up through the week.
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