Tschichold, Gerstner, and Müller-Brockmann believe one should design through the scientific way. The scientific methods are used within design by supporting a better structure. This can be by creating detailed outlines, grids, etc. to promote structure in a design. They define graphic design as a problem solver in a way that is similar to scientists, hence why they believe the scientific ways are how one should design. The organization of finding a problem and the process of coming to the solution is how they see one should design. Structure, formation, coordination, and overall organization play huge roles in all of this. 

Brockmann is known for using swiss typography. The swiss style emphasizes the importance of neatness and comprehension of a design, as well as the design’s objective. He states about the grid system in swiss typography, that it makes things more universal, which is very important for comprehension from many people. This order and methods of graphic design is a classic and ageless method, according to Brockmann. The objective and message behind a design will be picked up easily by viewers.

Tschichold was known for the New Typography movement, which gave people more freedom and versatility when it came to typing. This was during the time that print was coming about and changing society. He overall defined the dismissal of the traditional principles of typography equality. His focal points were on size, color, weight, order of lines, photography, and the shading. 

Gerstner created the “the morphological box of the typogram”, which is a confined partitioned to lattices, which is utilized to create arrangements of typographic logo designs. For example, the letters differ from levels of murkiness to the heading of the tone, the way it’s interpreted can show a sense of different feelings.