Graphic design Principles I


Value in Color
Value in Color



Broad key value
Broad key value



Burning Sun
Burning Sun

Graphic design Principles I was a unique and an enjoyable course. I learned a lot from my professor as well as from my classmates. I learned about color and how I can use it to create a design that will appeal to the audience. I also learned general concepts about design that will help me in other classes as well. The idea of creating thumbnail sketches before creating a final piece is very important. Sketching down your ideas help you narrow it down to what you see as the best. I’ve got to say, the best thing about this course was refining my eportfolio site. I had trouble handling my site during my first 3 semesters, but this course helped me gather my information together and posting it to create a blog that is available for my professors and classmates to go through and comment. I learned a lot from this class that I’m sure will help me understand many things in other classes, as it already did, and help me understand many design and color concepts that I encounter in the outside world.