Week 13, Session 1 (Critique)


In groups of 3-4, share each other’s Magazines. Have one student take notes on this discussion board (please include group members names):

• Discuss the difference between your experience looking at the digital versions of the Type Book and Magazine versus handling the physical product.

• What were some things that didn’t turn out how you expected? Where there any happy mistakes?

2 thoughts on “Week 13, Session 1 (Critique)”

  1. Natalya, Cheng, Julie, Andrea

    Chengs Zine – Pictures are nicely used and positioned throughout. The theme is modern and consistent. Colors are nice. Nice transitioning. Orderly. Again, attractive pictures.

    Julie’s Zine – Unique personalized drawings that accurately reflect the topic. Mostly consistent theme with original content. Need to make some adjustments to margins, colors, and texture for better readability.

    Natalya’s Zine – Pictures are nice, custom font works well with theme. Perfect margins. Need to address text wrap and white space on pages. Widows and orphans.

    Andrea – 11/10

  2. Dario, Charles, Nelson, Jhoanna, and Alex

    Our magazines are on art, anime, and games. What we took away from critique and discussion was consideration of balance between intricate images and explanatory text. In addition to see the differences in legibility between digital and printed version, and to carefully weigh the values within the images. Also, to try different compositions in layout, i.e., overlaying text.

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