Today was stressful!! I got in to my internship and i have 4 projects that is waiting for me to complete. I didn’t really mind the project but it’s the fact that i have to leave in the next 4 hours for school kills me. I have to complete a banner, 2 menus and sandwich labels. So this is how i approached it. I first started with the easiest task which were the sandwich labels. These are easy because all you have to do is change the prices and add in 5 other items. I did that in like 30 mins. Now the menus, these are a bit tricky because I have to create tabs. Creating one tab on indesign is light but when you have to do multiple then that becomes a-little confusing. The restaurant I was working for is called “Sophies Cuisine”, this is a franchise that is spread all over New York. They have really delicious Food. This restaurant is one of the easier to work with mainly because they already have their color scheme. According to Marla they got rid of her and they hired a bigger design company for all their jobs and the reason why she’s still associated with Sophie’s was to do minor edits like creating tabs and placing stock images on where they wanted to be (Simple stuff) In my opinion the Layout for Sophie’s design is too generic. Thier design looks like “seamless”, the delivery company. It sucks!
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