Note about Todays Quiz

Remeber that the score you received on the multiple choice was based on a scale of 1-70 and not 1-100.  So if you got a 70 that would really be 100 and a good score.  I will be taking the points you earned on the straight answer portion and will add that to your multiple choice score.  You can earn up to 30 points on the second portion.

So again if you got a 65 on the multiple choice – your actual grade (if you get all the short answers correct) could be as high as 95.

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Quiz Rescheduled for Next Friday – Relax and get some sleep

Hi Everyone,

Unfortunately I have been without internet access for the past two days with no way to get a message through to you.  Without internet access I cannot add the quiz to Blackboard so I have not choice but to postpone it.

I have heard very good things from Professor Seitz about your presentations – he was impressed with your work so I look forward to continuing the discussions with you when I return.

Please spread the word to other students.

I will see you all next Friday  (and we will have the quiz then)

Prof. King

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Reference Book for Semester Project

Hi Everyone,

I have met with several of you outside of class to review and discuss the recent observation project and the semester long research project.  As a point of reference I would ask you to take a look at the following publication:

I worked to put this guide together along with several hundred other professionals.  The purpose was to help the city plan out how to move forward after September 11th.  What you will see at the beginning is a set of governing principles.  Later you will see more specific principles in categories like circulation and many drawings that will show you how you can delineate information on your own drawings.

Each group should try to write out their basic principles:

For example some climate principles could include:  (principles will match the drawings)

  • Identify micro climates zones both those that are too hot in summer or too cold in the winter and find a way to mitigate the negative effects.
  • Identify micro climate zones both those that are comfortable in the summer and those comfortable in the winter and then look for the gaps between.  Find a way to bridge between these micro-climate zones.

Later you will identify some specific locations and identify design principles and solutions.

You also may find this useful bike Map.


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Assignment for this Week and Quiz for next week reminder

Hi everyone,

As you know prof. Seitz will be covering for me.  Be certain to both upload your two observation assignments due by this Thursday evening by 9pm.

For the group only one member needs to upload the presentation to Blackboard.  For the individual everyone must submit by the deadline.

Bring your presentations with you as Prof. Seitz may ask you to present.

Also remember that next week there is a Quiz in Site Ecology/ Flora and Fauna & Hydrology (the matrix incorrectly indicates Geology as well – no Geology on this quiz)

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Materials from Tomorrows class on Site Biology Flora & Fauna is posted

The Agenda, Lecture Materials and a Case Study are posted and available to you in advance of the class this Friday.  See you all tomorrow.

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Quiz & Comment Assignment Reminder

  • Next class we will begin with a quiz covering climate and geology – do not arrive late.
  • As an individual – Remember to add at least two comments to a topic other than your own on the slideshow postings below – you can view the slideshow presentations of both classes.
  • As a team- remember to respond to any/all comments made on your topic.
  • Autocad drawing is posted on the S: drive at the college.
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