Kiara Camachos Eportfolio

Out of sight, Out of mind

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Week 2 – Where Am I looking

I began my hunt by collecting a list of internships recommended by my lecturer. I searched through the corporate websites seeking for those suggestions and internship opportunities. I took advantage of the opportunity to prepare for any upcoming interviews by researching the firm, reading through interview questions, and rehearsing my responses. I also decided to look at the clients the companies had dealt with, the projects they had completed, and the company values they held. I believe it is critical to familiarize myself with the company’s beliefs in order to ensure that the environment in which I will be working is one in which I am comfortable.

After that, I applied to my desired companies that offered the internships I was looking for. I prepared a document on my phone’s notepad and used it as a checklist to keep track of which internships I applied for and for which firms. I checked off the firms to which I applied, and I’ll add which ones I’ve been rejected from, as well as any for whom I have an interview. I’m considering placing my progress into a spreadsheet with the positions I applied for later because I’m trying to apply for more internships and I’ll need to keep track of my progress.

Week 1 – Starting The Search

Before I can start applying to internships, I need to polish my resume and portfolio website. For my resume, I had worked with my lecturer in order to discuss what elements to place in my resume. I had done research projects for a math and science program hosted by Penn State University. I participated in the program for three summers in a row and one of the research projects was published so it would be good to mention that as part of my experience especially since I am looking for a more research based role in the creative field. I had participated in some clubs during my junior to senior year one of which I worked on a project of a student film and it would be beneficial to add that to my experience.

On my portfolio I am going to present myself as a designer and researcher so my work is going to consist of both research and creative work. My lecturer made a good point to include the student film I had helped with while I was in the Moving Pixels Club. I am going to keep the colors more neutral and let my work speak for itself. Throughout the semester, I plan to add more updated work from previous classes.

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