I want to clear things up about the homework in this class. I know there is some confusion:

  1. WeBWorK. Click here to access. These problems are done entirely on the website. You do not need to upload or show me the work. Pay attention to the date and time each set closes. You must do the problems before then to receive credit.
  2. OpenLab Assignments. These will get posted on this site periodically. The assignments are designed to enhance your knowledge of key concepts. In order to turn it in, you must upload it to our shared dropbox folder. Directions to upload and rename are here. If you do not follow the directions, the assignment will not be accepted. You can see your grade for each assignment in the comment section of that particular file. Find openlab assignments here.
  3. Workbook Homework. These are a set of questions from the workbook. You can find the assignments in the “Workbook HW” column of the schedule. Upload the work to dropbox and rename it using:

lastname firstinitial date workbook#.#.pdf

examples: brunsonj 02/08 workbook1.4.pdf

hartj 02/09 workbook2.4.pdf

anunobyo 02/13 workbook3.4.pdf