Applications and Webinars


So far using the Pocket app on my android phone is easy and convenient. All I had to do was registar once and stay logged in. You do not even need wifi to use the application. All you have to do is find a website you want to remember and  just share with pocket. You can bookmark anything. Since I am graduating soon I saved some job sites into my pocket. This will definitely help me now and in the future. It is also a useful application to also keep up to date on your interest or career path like for me it would be web design.Pocket has a sleek design however  there’s no way to reorder items. They are even automatically cached for offline access.From the Settings menu, you can choose to cache either full Web pages or stripped-down versions, which show only words, images, captions, and video links from an article. When you first open the app, you’ll see a carousel of top stories from each of your categories at the top, followed by your list of bookmarked items. You can sort your entire list by content type and edit items in bulk.


Flipboard is very similar to pocket. In the fact that you can save links for future references. As in pocket you need wifi to first registar once and then you just stayed logged in. The main difference between flipboard and pocket is the fact that flipboard gives you topics you may be interested and stories you can save. Flipboard is your personal magazine. Flipboard also has it where you can subscribe to certain magazines.You can even like and comment on a story just like you can on facebook. Flipboard has the latest and most recent news as soon as you start up application. It even has a swipe effect going up like you physically have a magazine and you are turning page. Flipboard keeps you updated on whats new and whats happening. It is quick access on your android device.Enjoy Flipboard in 24 localized editions for Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Italy, Japan, Korea, Latin America, Malaysia, Netherlands, Philippines, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey, U.S., U.K., U.S. Latino.


Evernote is like a notepad on a phone but more advance. I find it easy to use and stores a lot of notes. There is even reminders you set so you never forget an event.Effortless solution to note-taking and -syncing. Some of the best search outside Google. Adjustable user interface. Simple and well-balanced design. Superb features. Evernote you can write in a clean, distraction-free workspace. You can create notebooks and add tags to wrangle projects.You can access anywhere and keep your work in sync across devices. You can find anything fast with text in notes, photos, and PDFs is searchable. With evernote you save images, pdfs and so forth directly into the application for safe keeping. Application lets you capture ideas while they’re fresh, wherever you are plus save reservations and tickets for simple trip planning.You can manage expenses with organizing receipts, bills, and invoices to keep expense reports in check. Evernote is simple and convenient too.


I watched a video on called 3 Steps to 2015 Success. The video is all about creating your own business. The video discusses how things do not turn out as we always plan. It is basically a conversation. The one that put this video together is Ilise Benun who went out on their own but did not have steps to succeed. The speaker mentions she is not a business person. However Mrs.Benun states that there is no such thing as business or creative person. By 2050 we are expected to have half self employments so there is no real job security. Ilise Benun is trying to change our mind state and believes that it is the best time to be self employed. It is better to drive into self employment and take control than to be thrown into it. Self employed toward to rely on word of mouth and stop doing business development. The three steps are:

1) Decide: Who are you? Decide based on the commitment you are willing to put into company. You need to decide to be self discipline and decide not to give up when things get tough.Its not just about talent. You need self confidence.You need to be talk active. You should narrow your focus on reviewing who you are and what you offer. You should declare a niche. A niche is your focus and what is really need.You can specialize up to 3 areas.It is a good idea. Best way to figure this out is to do a target marketing brainstorm.Layers is what you bring to clients. Everything is a process.

People who have want through the same process and have creatives websites based on deciding are:
A)Stone Soup Creative
B) Jill Lynn Design
C) Strategic design studio

Home Page is direct and tell you exactly what they do. It tells you if they are a fit for you.Positioning is about what your clients wants to hear. You can also tweak your positioning.

2) Look for these people who have what you want to give. Viable markets are ones that growing.You need to do research for each market. Do they have a need for your service?

Right Clients
A)set criteria
B)pre quality them
C)usher them through there gateway
D)access their readiness
E)who is closeable

There are red flags clients like these who are high maintenance, disrespectful, no budget and so forth.Marketing C’s are choosing, connect, cultivate and credibility. Cold calling, online networking , social media blogging , warm emailing prospecting and so forth to connect to client. must make sense to your marketing.

3) Ask for jobs. When meeting with clients it is your responsible to bring up money. You can do this by floating some money, giving a ball park, try to get some context, and keep on pushing. You need money on the table. Ask for more than what you want. Do not seem desperate. Money should be talked through meeting in person or talking on the phone not by email. Real time is important because you have time to respond and sometimes walk away.Do your marketing early in the day so get up early. You should also do early in the week. Current Client represents present and marketing represents future. Both very important.

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