When I went to the show on Monday,September 29, at 1:30 pm I did not know what to expect.The show was at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Times Square. It was a big expo room and a huge hotel.I never been to the hotel before at all and was impressed by just the inside of the place itself.The hotel was right by the M&M’s World which is a big part of times square. Before entering the expo room you get a pass to show you have registered for expo.An example of pass is shown below:



When I get to the expo room I was shocked by the atmosphere.It was not crowded at all.I never went to a show like this before. The expo room was divided into two parts where were you meet business individuals and the other side where you can seat and also relax. You can take in the view and charge your phone. There was even a place where you can seat and use a kindle. They even had a photo booth to take your picture for free.There were representatives from Pixalate, Yellow Pages, CPXi , optimatic, BPO marketing,and weibo.com. These companies all had their tables with business cards and handouts telling you about the company.

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I was taken off guard from the atmosphere that when I want to each table I pretty much asked what the company did and get a better idea of what can be out there in web design field.I did pass on my business cards to CPXi and Yellow Pages so they can keep me in mind for future reference. I told them I am graduating now in the fall.

Julien Billot is the CEO of Yellow pages. Billot find out  that in rural areas, you need print books. People like print books in rural areas. The future of this company is digital, but that doesn’t mean 100% digital. It can be 80%  digital.  Yellow Pages is even in France known as Solocal. Surprised to find out it was international out of USA never known that.Three years ago Solocal stock find that the percentage of digital revenue versus print revenue grew under his leadership, but it seems that was mainly coming from print’s dramatic decrease. According to Canadian Business source from  EBSCO host ,”In 2009, when Mr. Billot arrived at Solocal, their stock was about €10. It is now €0.6 — a 94% decrease.”

Weibo  Group has his their branch in China and plan to build several textile plants in Macedonia.China  is even cracking down on public figures with online political posts. It is a social media platform.As  Twitter and Sina Weibo become more popular in recent years, the requirement for real-time and personalized search over microblogging systems also becomes more important.When someone visits Weibo.com a user may expect a quick response that also satisfies her personalized requirements.


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