Life is like a roller coaster just like designing a website can be. There are always ups, down and twists plus turns

During this class I was assigned to read two books.The books are:

Book 1:Business Etiquette: How to Greet, Eat, and Tweet Your Way to Success By Barbara Pachter

1)Are You Really Going to Wear That?
It was interesting to find out that location makes a difference to appropriate attire.I never knew that about the location. The book says that if you are unsure about what to wear then  ask a contact in the country you are visiting.The book also believes that clothing is an important form of nonverbal communication which can enhance a person’s professional reputation. These are defintly points to ponder before going to an interview.
Raise some good questions like:
A)Does the clothing comply with my company’s dress code?
B)Will this item of clothing be appropriate for my job?
C)Is this item suitable for the event or activity that I am attending?
D)Am I sending a professional message?

2)Just the FACS Madam: Business Clothing Essentials
I never thought too much about color when going to an interview but now reading this chapter I am more aware of it.I never knew there was such a big difference between lighter and darker clothes.The book says that darker colors usually convey stronger impression than lighter ones.From this book I would think to stay with colors such as black,grey, navy blue and stay away from colors such as yellow or green.The book brings up the point that when using accessories you should coordinate with outfit because it shows you are paying attention to important details. I never thought about accessories.It says F stands for fit, A stands for accessories, C stands for color and S stands for style.

3) Avoiding the Seven Deadly Sins of Dining
The chapter starts off by stating that , “If you create a welcoming and gracious atmosphere when entertaining, you will put your customers at ease and let them know you can take charge of situations”. I agree with this statement because a person’s altitude can change a mood either making a diner good or bad. People always say to be gracious host for the pure reason that it can make or break a relationship that is forming professionally and personally. If you invite a boss over for diner you have to show how you can handle situations and be the best host.In the end it can lead you to a higher position and also win over clients.

The book states that these mistakes you should not make:
A)Picking an inappropriate restaurant. It states you should match the restaurant to the guest
B)Forgetting to make a reservation. You do not want to be turned away at restaurant lobby
C) Not being in charge.You should direct your host to the best seat and recommend menu items in various price ranges
D) Failing to keep the table balanced.I thought it was interesting to find out that guest feel uncomfortable by eating  a course alone. This is a good fact to know and was not even something I considered.
E) Not facilitating small talk. As the host, you need to make sure conversion flows
F) Drinking too much. If your guest has had too much to drink, make sure you arrange transportation home
G) Paying the bill in an awkward fashion.As host it is your responsibility to pay the bill and add tip

Tips to avoid getting Tipsy:
A) Order nonalcoholic beverage
B) Order a drink you do not like, nurse drink all evening
C) Limit yourself, usually one drink
D) Dilute your drink
E) Arrangement with bartender

I also find the tipping guidelines interesting. I never give too much thought to how much to tip. The guidelines are:
A) Waiter or Waitress= 15-20 % of the pretax bill
B) Sommelier(wine steward) = 10-15 % of the wine bill (20% if exceptional service)
C) Bartender = 15- 20 % of the bar bill
D) Coat check = $1-$2 per coat

Book 2:Rules of Thumb by Jay Silverman
I find this book very interesting with the common word mistakes. I see myself in the book because I tend to make some of the same mistakes . Some words just sound so similar that it can be difficult to remember the difference between them when in a hurry. Examples of one of these words can be then or than.

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