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Category Archives: ADV1100 Project #3
Project#3: Written Assessment
In project#3, I learn high key to low key and the different values of white and black. In this project we made a different value range of white and black using pencil and paint. It was difficult to try … Continue reading
Project#3: Narrow-Range Digital Collage
The image above show my digital collage took about an hour to make.
Project#3: Broad-Range Painting
The image able doesn’t should my Broad-Range Painting however, I used this image to create my painting. It told about two hours to make because I couldn’t find the color to find it.
Project#3: Experimentation / Iteration (collages)
My collages took about an hour and 20 mins each to make.
Project#3: Value Scale Research part 2
This is a value scale using white and black gouache paint.
Project#3: Value Range Research
It was a 15 min walk inside the college, we were suppose to find a high key and a low key.