Author Archives: Jessica Pareja

Project#4:Prismatic Color Studies

For the Prismatic color, it took about 45mins because the color came directly from the tube.

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Project#4:Muted Color Studies

It took about an hour to make the colors. I add white to the color or white itself. I enjoy this part was hard to make. How it took me longer because I was arranging it.

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Project #4:Chromatic Gray Studies

  It took about an hour to make however, its not like how a chromatic gray is suppose to look like. I going to redo it cause I understand what’s it suppose to look like.

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Project#4:Research / Inspiration

It took about an hour to make however, me and Hai Lin made it together.

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Project#2:Aural Topographies: Animated Gif Mashup

PopcornMaker Animation Link: It took about an hour in order to try to match the songs with the Animated Mashup

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Project#3: Value Range Research

It was a 15 min walk inside the college, we were suppose to find a high key and a low key.

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Project#2: Aural Topographies: Pattern Mashup

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Project #4 Aesthetic Mapping: The Pitch

Brooklyn if you walk around the neighborhood, you’ll encounter many lovely places. However, the question is what influences people to choose the path they decision to walk on? Many ideas come to a person’s mind when choosing a path, it can … Continue reading

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Disperse-Verb a :  to cause to break up <police dispersed the crowd> b :  to cause to become spread widely c :  to cause to evaporate or vanish <sunlight dispersing the mist> This word was encounter on Monday November … Continue reading

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Bulking– Noun or Verb Definition: most of something : the largest part of something: the large size of someone or something (Verb):  to cause to swell or bulge :  stuff :  to gather into a mass or aggregate This … Continue reading

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