The Past, Present, & Future of the BQE

BWRC Breakfast Talk Invited Lecturer and Moderator


The need for repairs along the Brooklyn Queens Expressway has long been an issue for those concerned about development along the Brooklyn waterfront. In response to community concerns, Mayor Bill de Blasio convened a panel of experts in the Spring of 2019 to take on this complex issue. The panel recently released its report of recommendations last month.

Elizabeth Goldstein, President of the Municipal Art Society and a member of the expert panel, joined Jason Montgomery, Professor of Architecture, for a discussion of various aspects of the panel’s report, the historic context of the BQE and what lies ahead.

I was invited by Richard Hanley to present an overview of the BQE and the impetus behind its construction, its alignment, and its impacts on Brooklyn neighborhoods like Brooklyn Heights and Downtown Brooklyn. Then I moderated a discussion with Elizabeth  Goldstein.

Link to talk invite:

Link to Prof. Montgomery’s Presentation: BQE Conversation_final_reduced

Link to Prof. Montgomery’s Video survey of the BQE: