As a first year faculty member, I was nominated to serve as the Chair of the newly created department Steering Committee. I served in this role for 4 years altogether, supporting both Robert Zagaroli and Shelley Smith in their terms as chair of the department. Our committee leads the strategic planning efforts of our department through tracking and addressing major issues identified by the faculty. I have lead this committee since its inception, developing the agenda and meeting notes and guiding the discussion of important topics for our department. Over the course of ny tenure as chair, we typical held monthly meetings with Chair Shelley Smith.
The charge of this committee, based on faculty input, was the following:
RE-INVENT THE VISION: cyclical re-evaluation and revision
CURRICULUM: submit major curriculum proposal
TEAM WORK: continue to build bonds and team spirit among faculty
COMMUNICATION: continue to build infrastructure and protocols to improve communication
RESOURCES AND STAFFING: improve support of Adjunct faculty and facilitate CLT hiring
THEORETICAL / ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY: facilitate debate on role of Theory and Technology in teaching
FACILITIES AND SPACE NEEDS: track and communicate facility issues to college administration
Examples of Agenda and Meeting Notes:
steering committee agenda_20131029
subcommittee reports_2013_spring compiled
steering committee notes_20130319