Due Monday, Oct 14: Rhetorical Analysis of One Text in your Chosen Genre

Here is your opportunity to practice the rhetorical analysis we started in class! After reading the Annotated Bibliography prompt, do some research and thinking before you decide which genre you want to become an expert on in Unit 2. Then, choose a text that falls within that genre and rhetorically analyze it in this post. (Check out the Annotated Bibliography prompt again to review the features within and surrounding your text that you should consider when doing your rhetorical analysis).

Be sure to identify your chosen genre in your post’s title. Oh–and check the “Rhetorical Analysis” category when publishing your post.

For extra credit, respond to 3 of your classmates’s posts, offering ways you think they could enrich their rhetorical analysis and/or recommending other texts within their genre that they might consider for their annotated bibliographies.