Annotated Bibliography Reflection – Will Miller

 In Renaissance poetry, the authors use early modern english throughout their poems that is in accordance to their time period so some words we still use but some are obsolete. Also the authors use  figurative language in order to express to the audience their personal beliefs about love and relationships but do so in a subtle way. Furthermore the authors also use setting/context so that the reader can have a better understanding of where the text is taking place. Last the author’s rhyme their words in order to create the type of poetry. What I learned about renaissance poetry while analyzing it was that, one all most all the writers were men, second a lot of the poems talked about women and describing them and comparing them using simile, third the authors used a lot of figurative language in their poems. I still want to learn about the female poets at this time period and what they wrote their poems about. I wanna learn  why most of the poetry written by men during that time was directed towards women and why it was sometimes in a sexual manner. I also want to learn more about the background of the poets I used as examples to get a better sense of their identity and to figure out why they write about the things they write about. As a writer some things I learned about myself was that I am good at finding and identifying different types of figurative language in my text that I am reading. I found out that I actually enjoy reading poetry and trying to understand what the author is trying to get across to his/her audience. I learned that I struggle as a writer to begin my statements and struggle to get started. I also struggled with staying on topic and not repeating my words/ ideas. Some ways I wish to continue to grow as a writer is to not give up when I’m not sure what to say or start with, and to also work on my grammar so that whoever reads my work can better understand what I am saying. In order to improve on these things I need to practice handwriting and not having the computer fix my mistake for me so I can learn to fix it myself. I can also practice using sentence starters and practice making claims for my arguments. Lastly I want to be able to not give up so in order to help fix this I can take 5 min breaks if needed in order to take a second to look at what I wrote and read it over to myself.

renaissance poetry annotated bibliography


Donne, John, et al. The Flea. John Donne , 1633.

The poem is about a flea that the author uses to help make a metaphor about his attraction for a person. In the poem the flea has sucked blood from some woman and the speaker of the poem. The author is implying that he can’t get to her but the flea can on line 3 the author wrote “It sucked me first, and now sucks thee” the author uses this diction in order to show how even though he himself cant get to her this flea that “bit” him and her which in his mind has now connected them though their blood. so  he feels annoyed because he cant get to her, so he tries to convince himself that they are “together”. even though this poem is about a flea its also about sex. in the beginning of the poem first paragraph he is saying how little of an issue it is to begin with because of the fact that their blood has already “mixed” which at that time period was considered to be true that time period, so it wouldn’t be a big deal if they had sex again. He is trying to eliminate the consequences she might be seeing. He tries to convince her even more further on when he says, “Thou know’st that this cannot be said/A sin, nor shame, nor loss of maidenhead” (5-6). This means that he is trying to convince her to have sex because at this point it wouldn’t matter if they had sex or not because there would be no “wrongdoing”, since it had already happened before. The author is putting in all of this work trying to make it with this woman. He’s not getting his way and it is making him even more frustrated. Even after he said that it was fine for them to have sex he goes back on what he says and on lines 20, 21, and 23 the author says ” in blood of innocence? Wherein could this flea guilty be, Except in that drop which it sucked from thee?”. This shows how he goes back on what he said and now is blaming it on her saying that she isn’t innocent because the “flea” which represents both of them together, took blood from her which means the author is saying because she let him have sex with her it was her fault.

Shakespeare, William, and A. D. P. Briggs. Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day?: Shakespeare’s Love Poetry. William Shakespeare, 1600’s.

In  Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day? by William Shakespeare the narrator uses similes in order to show his love for the woman he is describing. on line 2 the author writes “Thou art more lovely and more temperate”. In this part the author uses a summers day to describe the woman he is talking about while saying that she is “temperate” and “lovely” which are words you can use to describe weather and a persons appearance and personality, which the author uses in order for his reader to understand what makes her like a “summers day”. further down the poem on lines 8 and 9 the author says “By chance or nature’s changing course untrimm’d; But thy eternal summer shall not fade”. The author continues to use similes to show his love for this woman, saying that even though time might change her a little her “eternal summer” which is her beauty and who she is as a person will always be there. this shows his love for her because he will always see her for who she is even if over time she changes she will still be the same to him.  throughout the poem the author uses similes to show his audience his love and compassion for this woman, also convoys the message that he wants to be with this person throughout his life till they die.

Donne, John. The Complete Poems of John Donne. John Donne, 1600.

The Rising Sun by John Donne is a poem about him and his partner Waking up and the sun being in their eyes,  John Donne uses the sun throughout the text in order to show love for his partner. on lines 1,2 and 3 the author says “Busy old fool, unruly sun, Why dost thou thus, Through windows, and through curtains call on us?”. This is  right when they wake up and the Sun is in their eyes, He calls the sun a “busy old fool” because the Sun Shining its light everywhere. After this he begins asking the sun to “go chide Late school boys and sour prentices, Go tell court huntsmen that the king will ride”. John Donne at this point is basically asking the Sun to go somewhere else because of how much is bothering them. As the poem goes on John Donne Starts to talk about the woman in bed with him. He says “I could eclipse and cloud them with a wink, But that I would not lose her sight so long”. John Donne the saying that he could get rid of the Sun by closing his eyes however, he does not want to lose sight the woman that is in his bed and that he rather endure the pain of the Sun and still see her than not see her at all. he uses the Sun as an example to show how even though there might be things in this way he Still wont give up on her. 


Joy may kill . Michelangelo, 1600’s

In the poem Joy may kill by Michelangelo, Michelangelo Shows Just because something seems a certain way doesn’t guarantee the outcome that you wanted to have or a different one. On line 1 and 2 the author says “Too much good luck no less than misery May kill a man condemned to mortal pain”. In this part of the text the author is trying to tell his audience that good luck Can only get you so far and that you can still have “misery”. Further down the Palm on lines 9 and 10 the author says ”Good news and bad may bear the self-same knife; And death may follow both upon their flight”. Again the author continues with his idea that even if something appears to be good and may not be  by saying that good news and bad news can both have the same affect and that nothing is guaranteed. Online 11 the author says “ for hearts that shrink or swell, alike will break”. when the author  is talking about the hearts shrinking or swelling is using two opposite situations will lead to the same result. he says this in order to convey his idea of outcomes of a situation I always being what you think they would be. Overall Michelangelo uses different ways in text to show people oh not all good things are as they seem and that the outcomes are not always the ones that you desire and can hurt you.

sonnet 116. William Shakespeare, 1600.

Sonnet 116 is a poem that talks about the value of love and its importance. On lines 1 and 2 Author says “let me not to the marriage of true minds admit Impediments. love is not love”. In this quote the author is saying that there shouldn’t be any reason why two people who love each other shouldn’t be together. When the author uses the diction “ love is not love”  he is referring to the fact that if two people can’t be together then love doesn’t have meaning itself because it cannot exist. another example is on lines 5 and 6 The author says “O no! It’s an ever-fixed mark that looks on Tempests and is never shaken”. The author uses an Ever-fixed Mark To show how even the things may Try to destroy it it won’t move and I won’t leave again just like an ever-fixed Mark. Author is trying to convey the message that love is a strong emotion That is hard to get rid of or tear down. On line date and 9 the author says “ whose Worth’s unknown, although his height be taken. Love’s Not time’s fool, The Rosy lips and cheeks”. In this example the author is explaining to an audience that love isn’t only  based on looks and appearance well who you are as a person. in the text he is explaining how aging doesn’t affect Love in a negative way And that the real value of love it’s true the person is. 

Jonson, Ben. To Celia. 1600.

In the poem To Celia The author conveys in deep love for the woman and what she is talking about send a text. The author uses drinks in order to show this. In the first paragraph the author says “Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes, and I will pledge with mine” The author uses this level of intimacy in order to show his loyalty to his partner. The author uses diction such as Pledge in order to show the commitment he has towards this woman. In the second paragraph lines 1 and 2  the author says “ I sent thee late a Rosy wreath, not so much honoring thee”. in this section the author tries to extend a gift 4 this woman but she refuses and doesn’t take it. She does this because the author refuses to stop drinking in the text and it is creating a problem between their love for each other.




rhetorical analysis of poetry

Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound’s the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
In this poem the author Robert Frost uses diction in order to show his audience a connection with the forest and life. one example is when he says “Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year.” in the quote the author uses the word “darkest” to emphasize that there are hard times in life that you have to go through.

my personal narrative


a kid having a learning disability like dyslexia can definitely be a factor in how ur educational experience turns out. As a 6th grader coming into my first year of middle school I wasn’t sure what to expect, I walked into my first class (english) and everything seemed fine until we got an assignment where we had to read this book and write a short essay response. while other kids finished around me I was still struggling to read and understand the book so eventually I gave up on reading and the writing and just sat there till the class was over. This kept happening and it wasn’t just in this class but every class that involved any kind of reading and or writing. This frustrated me to no end, it got to the point where I would start finding excuses not to be in the class room and then when that wouldn’t work I would just put my head down and waited for the class to be over. my personal experience is a pretty common one but not much is being done about it. I know that this might not seem like that big of a deal, people would always tell me things like “you need to study more” or “sit in the front so you pay attention” and “this shouldn’t be this hard for you”, all of the things that my teachers and parents would say to me made me feel like I wasn’t capable of doing things that I shouldn’t have any problem with doing and that it was my fault that I was like this. This lead to me ultimately stop trying at school in every way I could. I stoped doing my homework, would come to school and class late or not come at all, if something was hard I would give up instantly, and I stoped raising my hand because I didn’t want to get the answer wrong. As I got older things kept getting worse I was failing classes, going to summer school, and getting into trouble at school. because of all of this education wasn’t my main priority I put it aside for things I found more important such as sports and video games. however, now things are a lot different but my past experience still stays with me to this day. its hard for me to come in and participate in class because I don’t wanna say the wrong thing when called on or I really don’t wanna read to the class out loud because I don’t wanna sound dumb and get stuck on a word. When it comes to assignments like reading a passage or writing if its hard I tend to give up early or just do the minimum for the work. this has impacted my education so much because I wasted so much time not going to school and falling further and further behind feeling sorry for myself and thinking that I couldn’t do anything good in school. In the future though What I think should be done and what can be done in the for kids with learning disabilities is to not treat them like they are dumb but to give them extra help if needed and try and understand them and not get frustrated when they cant do something others can do.


My personal experience

Growing up as a young kid Sports is what I found my main passion is, which meant that for me schoolwork always came second  both in the class and at home.  Although I made this decision I had felt like I didn’t have any choice or I didn’t want to believe Did.  When I was in middle school I was diagnosed with dyslexia witch is a learning disability that for me impacts my ability to spell and read.

One personal experience with writing that I remember vividly was happening during six grade. The writing assignment was based on this book that we read (which I forgot the name of) and we were supposed to write an essay on how the author uses language to convey his ideas in the book. I remember finishing reading the book (being the last one to do so) and then I went on to the essay. As I started writing my essay I felt my words get repetitive and all my thoughts and evidence was unorganized. I got my grade for my first writing assignment of 6th grade… it was a 55%. After that happened the idea that I was not good at school was  embarrassing for me and not only was I bad I couldn’t even get a passing grade. This situation caused me too stop caring about my grades and the work I needed to put in, I felt that it just wasn’t worth trying anymore and so that’s what I did or I should say didn’t do… I didn’t try and continued to not try because it was the easiest way out.