In school I always felt uncomfortable and left out I never knew the reason why but with my classmates and teachers I felt out of place but I hope to be more social with my peers, also it’s like I would never love the spotlight and attention so most times when I was forced to read out loud a book to the class I would either read fast or just look around the room and think to myself of things that make me comfortable like my friends, Sports, and Family that’s just some of the things I think about when am in school. Outside of school is different I have more people speak to me like my Friends, family I like my Community where I live which is small but great everyone I know get along and we help each other out, I just feel more safer and comfortable around other outside of school because they create more of an environment I can express myself. My experiences inside of school does not effect me outside of school but in school I have a dislike towards reading and writing not because I don’t understand the work it’s my environment if am uncomfortable I tend to dislike the area. Writing was never my strong suit it’s hard for me to think of topics if am worry about what’s going on outside of school. The American education system is bad they treat us students like number or Dollar signs and Not as Students looking for help to better our life for the future I struggled with writing for awhile since middle school days I would have two teachers in my class and Still wouldn’t ask for help because I never Felt comfortable to ask for help So I Would do the Work by myself.