Literacy Narrative

   If I were asked to write about my experiences with writing and reading like I am being asked to right now, I would literally scream because none of these experiences were even in the slightness of good. It all started in 2nd grade, with my teacher Ms.Hinds. I should’ve guessed she would be a pain from her name. Basically, from the very beginning she would always call me out in front of the class just to tell me I’ve spelled several easy words wrong,  “Colour is spelled C-O-L-O-R not C-O-L-O-U-R”. Everyone would laugh and I was so embarrassed, I don’t like when the attention is on me. I feel awkward. There would also be instances where she would just pick on me to read knowing that I stutter a lot more than anyone. I felt different from everyone else and it seemed as if she was calling out my insecurities one by one in front of the world. I’m not sure if it’s just this experience but English never seemed to sit well with me from this day forward. If we could talk in numbers I would do that in a heartbeat.

               Maybe it has to do with the education system, I know all too many professors and teachers constantly using the lines, “I get paid whether you learn something or not” or “It’s your education not mine”. I don’t know about anyone else but this sounds like throughout the whole system there is no hope. How do you expect someone to overcome and succeed in an environment or system rather as this ? It’s basically saying if you fail you fail without too many people picking you up and showing you different. These phrases unintentionally call out the good and the bad as if it were segregation. No one ever gained anything from that except for more unnecessary problems, so why would you want to treat education that same way.

                 I have had some really bad experiences when  it came to English but the year after in third grade, my teacher made me look at it in a whole different light. Her name was Ms. Rodriguez and she was probably one of the most genuine and caring people you would have ever met. She taught me the art of “BS”.  She is one of those teachers the system needs more of, people who actually want to help and see you succeed. She taught me to talk to the paper as if your having a conversation with the paper, therefore your opinions are already developed and you don’t need to overthink because people are always trying to prove themselves right to each other so the brain is going to develop points for you naturally. It made me look at things from a whole new light and allowed me to develop a love for arguments and debates, she’s the reason I wanted to change my career path of a pediatrician to a defense attorney. She helped me to understand now before every other English teacher before put there two sense in and began to confuse me. You could become easily confused when you have so many different points of view and withe the education system its hard to know what’s really right, thats why so many answers could be considered correct and I don’t like that. That’s probably why I hate English so much there’s never a wrong answer. You could write so much to a point where you yourself could even become lost in what message you’re trying to get across. And as time goes on your own mind could be clouded by life making even “BS” to become hard to do sometimes. With math and science there is only one right answer to help decipher the unique world we live in., that’s why I will always choose them before I even think about English.

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