Reflection for Annotated Bibliography

Devin Mekhur

       Reflection for Annotated                 Bibliography  

    After writing my annotated bibliography I learned a lot about the genre of civil right motivation speaker.There are many similarities between my annotated bibliographies and differences.The author for all my bibliography had very similar tone like hopeful, persuasive and serious.The authors try to persuade the audience to his point of view for the argument or belief.This make the audience want to stand up and make a change or differences.These authors achieved this by using emotion to appeals to the audience.For examples Mather Luther king said “It is a world in which children will no longer be judged by their skin color and where black and white alike will join hands”,this shows how Mather luther king uses the people emotion against them by talking about their family.These authors also repeat words to strengthen his power of persuasion. Like in  LBJ’s speech he uses the word “We Shall Overcome”“there is no,” “we must not,” “let each of us,” and “I want to be,” to add to his claim that all Americans deserve equal rights.He also uses words like “we” or “us,” so his audience is led to believe that they are agreeing with Johnson’s opinion.Martin Luther King also did the same thing however used important words that were the themes of the speech,had Significant value and make the speech more memorable.

 These authors also use other speech or event form the pass to help reinforce there idea.Like in Lincoln, Abraham. “The Gettysburg Address” he said “Four score and seven years ago,” Lincoln honored the sacrifices American made for their Freedom from the British.“Four score and seven” is much more poetic and  much more noble than “Eighty-seven”. This is fitting, because 87 years earlier, the United States had won its freedom from Britain and gave America independence.An in Mather Luther king “I Have A Dream” “Five score years ago” Which reference to Abraham Lincoln speech about the right for slavery.Also in  LBJ’s speech “We Shall Overcome”“All men are created equal” to explain the term “all men” includes black men. He states “The issue of equal rights for American Negroes is such an issue,” making his audience question the idea that a black and a white man are different.One thing I learn from my bibliography is that they are many ways to persuade to one and make it more significant and memorable. One thing that I still want to learn is how they were inspired to make changes and did they know how it was going to effect world.

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