Personal Experience Essay 

Personal experience essay 


I’ve had many personal experiences with reading and writing throughout my life but the one that stood out to me wasn’t that long ago. I started taking English as a language when I was in 4th grade and never really thought anything of it other than the fact that it was another language that I was required to take and had to study for. We used to read a lot of books that were so interesting so I liked English class and I had something to look forward to. Even though I wasn’t good at English when I was young I felt like reading a lot of books at a younger age in my English class helped improve it. English not being my first language reading and writing always felt like so much work and they were a challenge to me. An experience that stands out to me wasn’t until my junior year of high school when I started taking AP English and my English teacher prepared us for the AP test every class. She would give us a new SAT word every morning and made us read so many poems and write essays almost every class. Every time she gave us a poem to read or analyze I never understood the poem the first time around and her response was always the same “read it over and over again until you get it”.

One class she gave us this rather difficult poem to read and I understood it the first time around, figured out the tone and analyzed it before class was over. I was so happy and realized how wonderful reading and writing is and how you can express yourself or what the writer is trying to tell their audience through it. I kept thinking why did I have trouble with the English language for all these years when it’s simpler than I thought.


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