Personal Experience

My personal experience with reading and writing has never been too great as I wasn’t too fond of using up my time on something that was classified as “boring”. Though through the years I have realized that reading has become much more fun and entertaining when an excerpt or an article peaks your interest.

One particular event that comes in mind was freshman year of high-school, where the class was assigned to read the book “Merchant of Venice” by William Shakespeare. I remember being disappointed that I had to read yet another book for a class that never had me excited for what it had in store, but this was one of the few books I had actively read alone until I finished the book within the first few days of it being assigned. I didn’t even expect it from myself that i’d completely finish the book so quickly, but one page led to the next, and so on and so forth until I reached the back cover. I’m not exactly sure why I had been overcome with this sudden eager feeling to read but it was definitely a moment worth remembering as I wasn’t an avid reader beforehand.

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