TO READ OR NOT TO READ (Personal Experience)

“Fight it… Focus… Wait, what?… I can’t do this…”, I told myself as I sat at my desk with my face against the table struggling to keep my eyes open. My boredom had taken control over me. I could not withstand the immense power of my boredom as I slipped into my subconscious… Zzzzzzzzzzz…

A few days later I had found myself in the same situation, fighting to stay in control, yet again… Zzzzzzzzzzz… This clash continued, recurring frequently and I soon realized this was not a battle, but a war, a war that I was losing, a war that could not be contained.

“I need to conquer this…”, I thought to myself. I needed answers. I started to explore my mind, going through all of my memories for something that could give me a clue. I had finally found something. There is a saying to “fight fire with fire”, I’ve always wondered what that had meant. How could I fight the furious fire with fire, if the fire was what I was fighting, how infuriating. Surely I needed water, so I had gone to get a glass a water, preparing myself for the war that was to come. As the war drew closer, I started to throw the water at the fire. The result: Well you already know what happened there.

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