The Load in Lab was my last day in person for this class and it was a good learning experience. For the load in lab the class had to put together two flats and create a list of tools to use without taking another trip into the tool shed. I understood the problem correctly on the first try but we did not plan out the steps on how we would do the load in. The next time I do a project like this I would rethink the problem and be better prepared. Instead of selecting all the nails from the tool shed I would measure the thickness of the two flats and from that I would know what size nails to use. This alone is one of the most important things I learned that class. I would also know that from looking at the flats I would know that I don’t need to bring hex bolts, washers and nuts for the flats with no holes. One part that dominated our work and time was marking/ measuring the floor. This is a technique that I have first learned in advanced scenery and have done twice in technical direction class so I would like to have more experience doing this so I could know how to do this own my own and only taking no more than ten minutes to complete on my own. Putting together two flats is easy but measuring the floor was not. An idea that I started with that later discarded was not planning ahead because it takes longer to plan was you work.
Analysis/ Analogy
A real – world situation that is like this problem is a real – world load in. In a real world situation professor would not be there to help us.During the class lab Professor McCullough was there to help guide us which won’t happen in the real world and it would be a total difference experience. A problem missing from class that would be present in the real world is we would be in a different setting where we might not know where everything is, maybe a cramped fright elevator and there would be other people around for example a lighting crew.
From the load in lab I learned that the steps are to mark the floor with chalk, assemble the walls, stand up and then attach. I already knew communication is key working with a crew but In each lab I was constantly reminded the importance communication. For example for the load in lab at one point there was three of us holding one flat when I was already holding the flat which is light enough for me to hold by myself. I knew this and knew the rest of the group could be doing other things while I held it but I didn’t want to come off as being bossy so I just kept my mouth shut. Same thing happened in another lab when we were putting together a platform. I knew to start at the bottom and work my way up. The rest of the group members were crewing in the bolts together at different points. Some people were the the bottom, one person in the middle and so on but I didn’t want to say anything. In the next real world experience I expect to have that might be related to this activity is in the real world I will definitely be doing load in, putting together flats, platforms, marking the floor with chalk, working with crews and having to plan things ahead before putting them together.