- Extensive Head and neck and intra oral cancer screenings
- Dental charting using Dentimax and EasyDental
- Dexis Digital X-Ray
- Blood pressure screening
- Periodontal screening
- Oral Hygiene home care instructions based on patient needs
- Oral Prophylaxis
- Fluoride Treatment
- Tooth Whitening
- Dietary Counseling for Prevention of Dental Decay and Screening for Caries
- Scaling and root planing
- Exposing, mounting and interpreting Radiographs that include Full mouth series, Bite wings (tabs and XCP) and Panorex
- Pit and Fissured sealants with rubber dam placement and cotton roll isolation for Adults and Children
- Air polishing
- Application of topical agents and Oraqix
- Taking and pouring alginate impressions
- Administering Local Anesthesia (Infiltration) and Nitrous Oxide
- Placement and Evaluation of Arestin sites
All the skills listed above were taught and developed thoroughly with the help of all Faculty in NYCCT Dental Hygiene Program. With these new acquired skills, all clinicians will graduate with the ability to properly assess any patient they may have seated in their chair. With all that we have learned it made us better clinicians and even equipped with the information and training to possibly save a life. In other words, we have detect many different possible complications through our head and neck exams and possible oral cancer prevention. Along with that, through our assessments of each patient, we can individualize treatment planning, what needs to be done and separate at home oral hygiene care instructions for all patients based on our findings. All in all, not any two patients are the same therefore their care and recommendations should not be the same and with our knowledge taken from this program we can assess all.