Author Archives: michaelp85

Final Project Status update

As of Friday the third of May, I have designed the world and am currently populating it with simple trees and bushes. I like many other found a simple tree and bushes that I can just reuse to create my … Continue reading

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Journal Entry 9 : Final Project Proposal

My final project proposal is a game (oh wow!! so original). I was thinking about the kinds of games I really enjoyed playing myself and I decided I wanted to make a game very similar to (FF Tactics) this isnt … Continue reading

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Case Study

With the consumer market being flooded with more and more tablet manufacturers, it has become hard for the normal consumer to know what is worth buying and what is not. What most end up doing is buying the product which … Continue reading

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Journal Entry 8 : proposal

Over the course of the semester I have looking at tablets and breaking them down. I have learned that most modern tablets are essentially identical as far as their sensors, controllers, and actuators go. For my case study I am … Continue reading

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Lab Report Week 7 : Python Blender stuff

Objective: Familiarize myself with python and its use within blender Material: Professor Baker, Blenders Python Console, Blender API documentation. Method: Listen to Professor Bakers lecture Open the API doc Identify the how the sensors, controllers, and actuators are added Identify … Continue reading

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Journal Entry week 7: The MMO craze.

I think that with the success of WoW, multiple gaming companies have attempted to create a 3d enviroment to not only allow their consumers to play a game but to allow for a whole community and social enviroment that allows … Continue reading

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Lab Reaport week 6 : Breaking down a Game

Objective: Use Blender logic editor to understand the logic behind an existing game. Material: Professor Baker, Blender Logic Editor, pinball game. Method: I will be looking through the GK2 pinball game and go through each object identifying the Controllers, sensors … Continue reading

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Journal Entry Week 6: actuators on a tablet

The latest model tablets all seem to have the same to be made with similar technology, so it would stand to assume that most of them have similar actuators. When looking at current tablets, The first actuator you can see … Continue reading

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Journal Entry 5 : Your tablet and you

With the market overflowing with selection, one would assume that there are just as many platforms/ O.S’s that these tablets run on. The truth of the matter is that there are only about 5 or 6 tablet operating systems worth … Continue reading

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Lab Report Week 4: Sensors Galore

Objective: Familiarize myself with different the different kinds off sensors in Blender Logic Editor. Material: Professor Baker, Blender Logic Editor Method: I will be using multiple sensors to become confident in the process of using them. Enter the game logic … Continue reading

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