Lab Report Week #6 Week7

OBJECTIVE: Reverse Engineer a Game

MATERIALS: Pinball Game on Blender

METHODS: Basically to look at the many many many components related to the Pin ball machine. To actually see what the sensor is for a component, the processor attached to it and the actuator that makes it work. Example: The Flipper’s function is, not to flip people off, which would be great, but rather to hit the ball when a button on the keyboard is pressed. In this case I chose the left flipper. It has two sensors attached, the always and the collision sensor, not sure what always does, but collision gives it properties on how to react when it…well… collides. It has two controllers, both of which are And. The beauty of this is the Actuator which is Motion Actuator. So if I want to make a rocket, I can actually go ahead with these configurations. The work I did was change the button from C which was from what activated the Left Flipper, and changed it to N which was right beside the one for the Right Flipper, M. So I basically used one hand to control the flipper, leaving the other hand for….well my other hand got bored, decided to quit and look for another job.

RESULTS: I was able to play the game more comfortably. Would like to change the balls to rockets next time so some immature person won’t snicker each time the word “Balls” is uttered.

About rusnuvol

I'm tall.
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