Lab Report Week 4: Sensors Galore

Objective: Familiarize myself with different the different kinds off sensors in Blender Logic Editor.

Material: Professor Baker, Blender Logic Editor

Method: I will be using multiple sensors to become confident in the process of using them.

  1. Enter the game logic interface panel
  2. Added a Mouse sensor to the default cube
  3. connected the sensor to a “AND” controller
  4. connected the controller to a motion actuator, moving it left.
  5. Repeat steps 2-4, moving it right.
  6. created new block.
  7. Made original to actor, made other rigid body.
  8. Added near sensor to the new cube
  9. connected the sensor to a “AND” controller
  10. connected the controller to a motion actuator, Moved it up, added some force, and rotated it.
  11. Duplicate second cube and positioned one on each side of original cube.

Results: When I Moved my original cube back and forth, I was able to get the other cubes to be flung into the air away from the cube .

Discussion:  I was actually able to juggle my cubes by timing my mouse clicks. I want to add more actuators and blocks to see if I could juggle even more, Maybe even find a way to slow down the drop speed to make it more manageable.

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