lab report week 4: playing with Blender sensors

Objective: Learn about the sensors in Blender


  1. Logic Editor
  2. near sensor
  3. AND controller
  4. visibility actuator
  5. keyboard sensor


  1. enable logic editor
  2. select first object – set physics type to static and have actor checked
  3. select second object – set  physics type to rigid body and have actor checked
  4. add near sensor – set distance to 2
  5. add AND controller
  6. add visibility actuator – uncheck visible
  7. add second near sensor – set distance to 2 and click invert
  8. add second AND controller
  9. add second visible actuator – make sure visible is checked
  10. select third object – set physics type to static and have actor checked
  11. removed second near sensor
  12. changed first near sensor to keyboard sensor
  13. hit key – set to space bar

Results: I was able to play with two of the many sensors Blender has.

Discussion: Due to running out of time, I was unable to play with the other sensors Blender has.

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