Week 4 Lab

Ian Hodgson
Week 4 Lab
Sensor Exploration
3D interactive
Professor Baker
Thursday – February21, 2013

Objective: Review previous class how we created interactivity in blender. We are trying to work as many sensors in blender as possible. Reviewed how sensors work and assigning properties. A property needs to be explained for the type of sensor you’re trying to accomplish. We went over setting up and manipulating lights in blender.

Materials: MS Word, Internet, Blender, and Logic Editor, Blender game editor.

Methods: Lights- select right click on the spotted circle – then the light icon under the outliner- then choose which light to use (point and spot)- use move or rotate tool to manipulate lamps.

Sensors, took cube- made static set to actor– add sensor (near) – property set distance- add controller (and)- connect sensor to controller – add actuator – set to visible – uncheck visible – add another sensor2 set invert – add another controller and – connect to sensor 2 – add actuator 2 visibility- check visible – connect actuator 2 to controller 2.

Other cube select static actor on. Now on the rigid body cube delete 2nd sensor – then connect the 1 sensor to controller2- set controller 2 to nor.

When changing property of rigid cube sensor from near to keyboard – select space bar for key.


Analysis: There’s a long way to connect sensors, controller, actuators and a faster way by reducing and redirecting a sensor to a controller.

Results: Rigid cube fell on static cube disappeared then rolled and reappear. Then other cube aligned next to rigid made rigid disappear then reappear before falling. When changing the property of the rigid cube sensor from near to keyboard, the spacebar now controls when cube disappears during the fall sequence.

Discussions: We discussed the new PlayStation 4 controller roll out. Some of the new advances to the PS4 controller include a new and more powerful processor commence with it’s delivery using digital content streaming in the purchasing of games, pretty much cutting out the middle man (stores). Google is now pushing AR (augmented reality) technology, Space base data, and new development for interactive 3d environments etc.

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