journal entry 9: final project proposal

My idea for a final project is to create a game (shocking, I know).  I have two ideas for a game, not sure which one I wan to do more.

Game Idea #1:

Who here remembers House of the dead? The classic FPS, often found in arcades or movie theaters , where all you have to do is point and shoot to kill the zombies. Obviously, since I have a month a month to work on my final project, I wouldn’t be able to replicate the game fully, but I would be happy if I could replicate one section of the game.

Game Idea #2:

Who has been to a carnival and seen this game, duck hunt (not sure if this is the correct name)? With this game, I could probably do it in the time frame that I have.

Ideally, I would like to do game #1, since it is more of a challenge and overall a better game. However, I feel like with the time frame I have to complete the project (aka have something done so I can get graded for it. since the end of class doesn’t mean I can stop working on the project), I may go with game #2. But let’s even see if my idea get’s picked. If it does, woohoo! If not, oh well. Maybe I will work on the project anyways outside of school.

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