Journal Entry – Group Project

I am proud to be part of the amazing Gabby, Remy, Justin, and Stephanie Group for our final project for 3D animation. We intend to create a template for a video game that is geared toward 9-14 year olds. It is quest oriented and will assign animal-human hybrid characters based on the users personality traits and skills. Their success will depend on how well they then utilize those traits. Are they brave? Do they like solving puzzles? Do they like working on their own or with others?

Because I am interested in getting really good at doing animation I hope to use this project as a chance to develop some skill at creating a basic snapshot of a cohesive world with a clear aesthetic vision. (One can hope, right?)

This will mean utilizing several options.

1. Importing – There are a lot of Blender models out there all ready and for a
beginner such as myself it would be foolish to attempt this task without taking advantage of that fact.

2. Modeling – Taking basic structures that the program provides and
turning them into something else. We have all seen the Blender monkey
but can I make a simpler one? What about man made structures?

3. Applying textures and UV mapping – learning to do this will help me
customize my creations and the materials I import. This will help with visual cohesion.

4. Logic – It is my responsibility to make sure that what I design is appropriate
for the quest and adds to the adventure. That means listening carefully
to my teammates, planning carefully, and thinking logically.

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