Lab Report 7-8: Python in Blender

Objective: Learning about using Python script in Blender.

Materials: Mac PC / Blender 2.65 / Terminal app

Method: I set the 3 divided screen – 3d view / text editor / game logic editor.

*Open Blender with Terminal app. : Go to App -> Blender ->Right mouse click -> show package contents -> Mac OS -> Blender.

Print “Hello World” in Terminal

*Ctrl + up arrow : Full screen shortcut

* We can put 3d text using edit -> text to 3d object in text editor.

*Template -> Game logic simple

I could make cube disappear with this Python script.

Important : We should make sure the sensor / actuator name is same as the Python script.

Results: I could learn and try Game logic editor with Python code.

Discussion: I was told about the Minecraft in Blender.

I will see and study if I can use this setting for my 3D game project of ENT 3140 class.

Useful links from class :

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