Lab 8: More Python and Blender Game Engine.

Objective : To build-up on what we learned the class before about Python in the Blender.

Material: Blender, python text editor to change and add code, and Terminal on the Mac.

Method:  Applications > Blender> Right click>Show package contents>Contents>Mac Os> double click blender. this not only opens blender, but also opens up blender in the terminal, killing tow birds with one stone quickly and with less hassle.

from the 3D view of our friend THE CUBE , dun dun DUUUUUN,  go to the top right in the 3d viewer create another window, and then go to the bottom left of that like we would similarly for the logic editor, and select text editor. Now your screen should be two halves, left and right, ed viewer, and a text editor. From there you can edit code and such, and running it with make it appear in the terminal showing what your computer/blender is  doing exactly such as print (“Keep reading me”), it’ll appear in the terminal.


Results: Aside from huge spews of code, and tutorials we  have seen from CG masters and the blender websites. We saw how errors come up in red, and everything is color coded making it so much easier.


Discussion: I still dislike code. but a little less so now. Python seems like a neat way to fine tune animations and such if we ever get to learn that stuff.  but personally i still prefer simple animations and modeling.



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