Journal Entry 8: Case Study Proposal

Of all the options out there, hardware and software alike, I’m going to be picking a relatively new frontrunner in the field of software. Is it an MMORPG? No, that’s too expected.


Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Minecraft. I’ve developed a love for this sandbox-esque game of low 3D graphics and exploding NPCs. And this game has a lot to be considered, along with a lot of information available about it. It’s pretty significant as far as a game goes, as it was originally for PC and then it expanded to also be for X-Box and for mobile devices.

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One Response to Journal Entry 8: Case Study Proposal

  1. Wow… I wanted to write about this but I had no internet at all apparently since thursdays… so guess I gotta go on and think of something else. If you need help, you can ask me since you know that I tend to know a lot about the game.

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