Journal Entry 7 – 3D animation and Motion capture

Our assignment this week is to talk about the future in our field. The future AND what we see that’s exciting on the horizon. I have to be honest, 3D animation (and now motion-capture) are fascinating to me and I would love to get good enough at utilizing them to be able to earn a damn good living in the field. But since I am not a gamer that means looking at other applications.

Peter Dinklage of Game of Thrones fame as Mister Sinister in X Men:Days of Future Past? Maybe, if you believe the buzz on websites such as Badass Digest and Indiewir.come. Vanity Fair magazine has confirmed that the red hot actor is has been cast as the primary antagonist, and Bryan Singer, the producer, added fuel to the rumor fire, when he made the following comment about using motion capture during an recent MTV interview:

“I definitely want to use this technology again, and I might even be using some of it in a different way in ‘X-Men.’ I don’t wanna say how, yet, but I’m definitely using some of this technology on ‘X-Men’ which I never used in any of the other ‘X-Men’ films.”

There is also a growing demand outside of the entertainment industry.

For example, the NFL is embracing motion capture. In a recent article by Luis Bien for the on-line magazine sbNation explained how. Forty-two hopeful young players were evaluated after performing a series of drills and tasks wearing capture suits. The data that was generated was then analyzed at Motus, a New York City biomechanics lab. They then identified tiny errors in each athlete’s form that was having a negative impact on their performance so adjustments can be made.

New Balance is using motion capture in combination with 3D printing to transform the science of racing shoes. In fact, this past January at the New Balance Games, athlete Jack Bolas competed while wearing shoes that were custom-designed by this process. In a recent article for the Boston Globe a representative of the company said that in the future they hoped for them to be affordable by the general public.

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3 Responses to Journal Entry 7 – 3D animation and Motion capture

  1. marc says:

    Awesome stuff. On a side note, X-men movies are going to last forever…

  2. So how would they cast Peter Dinklage as Mister Sinster? Isn’t he a midget? How would they hide that fact?

  3. ianhdesigns says:

    The example of the NFL is so true that i know for a fact its being used in the movie industry for stunt coordination. Martial artist use this tool in creating skits for a fight scene. It increases accuracy and authentisity of techniques being display. Eventually to be praised by the martial community.

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