Week 6 Lab

Ian Hodgson

Week 6 Lab


3D interactive

Professor Baker

Thursday March 7, 2013


Objective:  Review previous class 3d environments using Actuators, and property state in blender. We attempted to understand, and applying the functions for actuators in connection to properties.  Previewed the other properties in the actuators pallet.  Review new capabilities for the new role out of blender 2.66.  Open the preloaded game pinball to examine how it works.

Materials:  MS Word, Internet, Blender, Logic editor.

 Methods:  open gk2 files in blender – files – open – pinball game (make sure to unchecked load UI) – select flipper layer.  I can be a pallet (insert key frame and brings up menu) – select object to animate.  R command restarts game.  File – user preference for distributing render to a shared file system for example attaching sound effect to a property

 Data:  Collision sensor had a property of kill so that when it collides the property activates and ball disappears.  Action actuator states to play back key framed animation.  Key frame animation using time line editor.

Analysis:  Results:  Try to figure out the inputs go to the out puts for the outside world to understand complicated behaviors.

Discussions: MOCAP:  Motion caption and how it works with sensors and suits.  Add Motion cap plugin to software like Maya and Mudbox.  We tried exploring where which game editor is where in pinball game (dissecting sensors, controllers, actuators).


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