Objective: Use Blender logic editor to understand the logic behind an existing game.
Material: Professor Baker, Blender Logic Editor, pinball game.
Method: I will be looking through the GK2 pinball game and go through each object identifying the Controllers, sensors and actuators.
- Start up blender and load up the pinball game provided with the load UI disabled
- Switch to the blender logic viewer, and select the ball to view its logic
- Identify the C.S.A.’s and begin to make a mental image of how the game will work and interact with each other.
- Once these have been identified move on to the next object.
Results: There was more logic being used than I would have thought needed to create a simple pinball game. I started out able to follow the logic by just looking at it but it soon got to complex to follow in my mind.
Discussion: I believe were the logic lost me was when I began to run in to the logic sensors that activated when a specific message was received. After that all the logic started jumping back and forth to each other. For an example look at the “add brick” object and you’ll understand.