Lab Report 4 : Play with Sensor

Objective : My goal today is playing and understanding sensors in Blender.

Materials: Mac computer / Blender 2.65 (logic editor/sensor-controller-actuator)

Methods: Try multiple sensors and see how it works –

I made three cubes and named them Rigid,Static and Other.

Rigid cube should be in ‘Rigid body’ mode.

I tried near sensor ->and controller -> visible actuator,

and collision ->and / nor -> visible,

and Keyboard -> and -> visible, etc.

I need to make sure if it is Blender game mode.

Also, I should check ‘actor’ box.

Results: It worked well. When I use near sensor, it disappeared and showed again.

Keyboard sensor also worked properly. Collision sensor, too.

Discussion: I should try other sensors. How ‘always, radar, touch’ works?

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