Lab #3 week 4: Sensors!

Objective: Get to know sensors better

Materials: Logic editor


  • I made a plane and 2 cubes. One of my cubes I have set up to move around (keyboard sensors, force actuators, rigid body physics) and the other is static and has a near sensor. The plane is not an actor because this would interfere with the near sensor on the static cube.
  • I set up my static cube to become invisible when my moving cube is 5 units close, and to become visible when it’s 5 units away. I also set it to become visible upon collision.

Results: When I move an actor near my static cube, my static cube disappears. When I move the same actor away from my static cube, it reappears. When I make contact with the cube, it reappears as well.

Discussion: Fundamentals of sensors! Now to make something awesome and complex.

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