Journal Entry 2 : Who is this guy?

Hi all! An-nyung-ha-se-yo? I am trying to say hi in Korean. Most of you guys already know that I am from Korea – a tiny tiny small country in Asia (between huge China and island Japan). I came to NY in 2005. It is long time ago! Oh my God but I am still not fully understanding what professors or classmates are talking about! T.T but believe me, I am very humorous and funny and talkative guy when I speak Korean language!…….hmm…..still sad…… =(

I really didn’t want to be a guy like, a strange dull asian man with eerie BGM (or Kangnam style) in class, but…. actually….. I think… I was that guy… in previous semesters… Just like most of the Korean students, I am too shy to speak up and moreover I had to work four days in a week full time in Korea town Manhattan. That made me so tired and exhausted. Fortunately, I don’t need to work anymore, so I am expecting I can concentrate on study in this semester.

Long time ago, I worked for a small design company when I was in Korea. After I came to New York, I graduated from BMCC/ CUNY, Multimedia programming design major and then transferred to City Tech Emerging media design major last year.

I am interested in Emerging media, especially Interaction design. I like audio/video editing and programming, 3D graphics. If something is cool, I am ready to learn all of them!

I am familiar with most of Adobe CS programs (Flash/Dreamweaver/Photoshop/Illustrator/After Effect/Indesign/Soundbooth), Microsoft Office and HTML/XML/CSS and little bit of Java (processing) and action script 3.0.

I got fascinated after watching this clip a few years ago. Check this out. This is one of the reasons that I chose Emerging media technology major.

I am really looking forward to learning Blender in this class!


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4 Responses to Journal Entry 2 : Who is this guy?

  1. Gabby B. says:

    Hey Yoonshik! (I’m sonot posting this while in another class… >_> )

    Glad to have you in the class again! If you ever have trouble understanding anything we’re saying or joking about, just poke one of us, we’re typically glad to help out and explain! Myself included, but I sit in Neverland in the back of the room. Even so, if you’re confused or want someone to chat with, especially about class, feel free to poke me for my e-mail or IM addresses.

    I watched the clip – pretty freaking cool! The beginning reminds me a little of a scene from one of the Harry Potter movies, the Order of the Phoenix, where Sirius Black’s house unfolds from two muggle homes… anyway, I can see why the video was inspirational.

    Again, great to have you in class!

  2. Rich says:

    Wow! That link is pretty friggin incredible…. We should attempt a similar project…

    • kimyoonshik says:

      Yeah Rich! This is kind of old already, but still incredible idea. We are trying to do a similar project in ENT 2220 Tech production class. Let’s see how it goes! =)

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