LAB REPORT WEEK 1: Introduction to Blender and Basic 3D Environment Terms

My goal is to define as many terms as quickly as possible in a clear and succinct way. These definitions came from my own personal repertoire of knowledge as opposed to the internet, a textbook, or asking my peers or professors.

•    Computer (used a Mac in V321)
•    Web Browser (used Google Chrome)
•    3D Software (used Blender)
•    Text Editing Software (used TextEdit)

•    Read word or phrase to be defined
•    OPTIONAL: look at Blender
•    OPTIONAL: interact with Blender
•    Consider the definition
•    Define the word or phrase


•    Axes: inferred lines of reference used to create a coordinate system or grid.
⁃    X Axis: horizontal axis; red
⁃    Y Axis: vertical axis; green
⁃    Z Axis: depth axis; blue

•    Transform: manipulation of various items within the three dimensional field.
⁃    Translate: displacement of an item within the coordinate system
⁃    Rotate: turning of an item along a point
⁃    Scale: increasing or decreasing the size of an item while keeping the proportions

•    Vertices: an individual point within the coordinate system, either as its own standalone object or as part of a line or curve.
•    Edges/Line: the connection of two points within the coordinate system, either as its own standalone object or as part of a surface.
•    Surface: typically polygonal in shape with three or more edges
•    Mesh: any combination of vertices, edges, and surfaces.

•    Object: any visible item (so not a camera, for example) that can be structurally edited; vertices, edges, surfaces, meshes, curves.

•    Bezier Curve: a curved line with a vertex at each end, a control vertex at the midpoint, with handles for each vertex to edit the shape and curvature.
•    NURBS: Non-Uniform Rational Basis Spline; makes things smooth and pretty.

•    Material: color, dullness, and/or shininess of an object.
•    Texture: a pattern or image placed upon an object’s aspect or the object itself.
•    U/V Coordinates: (x,y) coordinates for which an image or texture is placed upon a 3D object that exists within an (x,y,z) coordinate system.

•    View Modes
⁃    Textured: displays objects with texture and lighting applied
⁃    Solid: displays objects without texture or lighting applied
⁃    Wireframe: displays objects as vertices and edges
⁃    Bounding Box: displays objects only by the wireframe, as it to fit it within a rectangular prism or cube

It took me 35 minutes to define and write up this lab report. I did not include any images or screenshots. I feel rather disappointed that I failed to write more than I did; there is a lot I failed to cover that I wanted to. Additionally, I didn’t provide any images and this also is greatly disappointing. I overestimated my time and need to learn to move more quickly.

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