June 17th – August 9th, 2024
Weekly Group Meetings: Wednesdays at 10 AM

Zooom Meeting Details: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84150687556?pwd=VWYwOTJNWUhoQTNKaklxeHd1bjEwUT09

  • Meeting ID: 841 5068 7556
  • Passcode: 338966

See Project Report Template and Timeline for details

Week 1

  • Introductions
  • Schedule, assignments, expectations, and goals
  • Review Proposed Internship Outcomes

Week 2

  • Overview of weeks 1 + 2
  • Project Assignments and Teams
  • Phase I Statement of the Problem

Week 3

  • Phase I Statement of the Problem Define the scope of the problem you are trying to solve:
    • Which is the objective of the project?
    • Which are the needs that the you are trying to address?
    • Which are the requirements?
    • Review submitted Mapping Exercise and Survey Questions
  • Background Brief review of available solutions. What others have done to solve this or similar problems.

Week 4

  • Phase II Develop Strategies to Solve the Problem
    • Articulate Strategies to Solve the Problem

Week 5

  • Phase II Implementation Plan 
    • Build and Test a Prototype

Week 6

  • Phase II Implementation Plan 
    • Build and Test a Prototype

Week 7

  • Phase II Implementation Plan 
    • Build and Test a Prototype

Week 8

  • PHASE 3: Finalize and Submit the Deliverables