Meeting Info

  • Zoom
  • Wednesday, July 3 at 10 AM


  • Managing Project Teams
  • Introducing Project Briefs
  • Questions from Teams
  • Phase I: Defining the problem


To-Do For Next Meeting

Meet with your groups:
PHASE 1: Problem Definition and Research of Background Information

  1. Define the scope of the problem you are trying to solve:
  2. Which is the objective of the project?
  3. Which are the needs that the you are trying to address?
  4. Which are the requirements?

Milestone 1: Summarize in one paragraph (100 words) the overall objective of the project. (This is about the WHAT you will be doing)

Read: Meirelles, Isabel. Design for Information : An Introduction to the Histories, Theories, and Best Practices Behind Effective Information Visualizations, Quarto Publishing Group USA, 2013. Introduction and Chapter 1 (PDF here)

Watch: Electronic Computing: Crash Course Computer Science #

  • Video 3 Electronic Computing: Crash Course Computer Science #2
  • Video 4 Boolean Logic & Logic Gates: Crash Course Computer Science #3

Create a Journal Entry: Create a Post using the Category: Journal. Your post will appear in the Journal category archive for review next week. If you need help, refer to OpenLab Help: Writing a Post, or reach out via Discord or email.
Include the following:

  • Write a brief reflection on the readings/media