Hello guys,

Take the International Unit as an example
1 kg= 1000 g
1 byte = 8 bits
10 byte = 8×10 = 80 bits
1 Kbyte= 1000 bytes = 8×1000= 8000 bits
Computing unit:
1MB = 1 000 000 bytes = 8 000 000 bits
1GB = 1 000 000 000 bytes= 8 000 000 000 bits

I am sorry for not having them clearer by explaining in sentences. It is mathematics so I think formulas come first. Crash Course Computer Science (CS) will dive into the introduction of Binary and Numbers. They are being understood by the computer with only 1 and 0. It’s amazing! Binary is a fundamental concept in computer science and data storage. And that is the binary basics. The speaker said:” The largest value a 64-bit number can represent is around 9.2 quintillion!” I wish I could even pronoun the number correctly however I can’t because it’s large number. She also talked about ASCII and floating point numbers. Floating point numbers are difficult to understand I might come back to it if I have time. ASCII became widely used and allowed different computers built by other companies to exchange data. ASCII describes a scheme for encoding letters as binary numbers, other file formats like MP3s or GIFs that use binary numbers to encode sounds or colors of a pixel in our photos, movies, and music. In summary, I’m interested to know more about how computers store and represent numerical data.

In the second video, the way computers store negative integers in binary is a system called 2’s complement, which is difficult to discuss in a short text comment, but it allows the addition of a positive integer X and a negative integer Y to equal X – Y. If you want to subtract Y from X you simply turn Y into a negative number (which is a quick operation) and then add them together. She also divides the content into introduction, arithmetic unit, a full adder, logic unit, operations, and other operations:

The ALU is the mathematical controller of a computer. We then use the Boolean logic gates we learned in the previous blog post to build a simple ALU circuit with much of the same functionality. The arithmetic unit is responsible for handling all numerical operations in the computer, such as addition and subtraction. It can also do many other simple things, such as adding one to a number, which is called incrementing. We know 1+1. But what about more than that, a full adder accepts three bits as input: A, B, and C. So the maximum possible input is 1 + 1 + 1, which equals 1 plus 1. So we still only need two output lines: sum and carry. The Logic Unit is the other half of the ALU. Instead of arithmetic operations, the Logic Unit performs logical operations, for example and, or, and not, which we’ve talked about before. It also performs simple numerical tests, such as checking if a number is negative. For example, here’s a circuit that tests if the output of the ALU is zero. Then, we use a final not gate to flip this input so the output is 1 only if the input number is 0. A computer 8-bit ALU has two inputs, A and B, each of which has 8 bits. We also need a way to specify what operation the ALU should perform, such as addition or subtraction. And other operations such as those in our laptops or smartphones, have arithmetic units with dedicated circuits for multiplication.

Design Talk:

Paula Scher was very friendly and open-minded. She likes to answer questions. I think she made things easier to understand, and even asked easy multiple choice questions first to an audience feel comfortable such as which design you like better A or B. One of my favorite projects was the bus shelter in a city in Asia. I’m interested in how they made light neon as typography. She came well-prepared for her presentation not just come to campus to visit us. She’s an inspired and great designer over 50 years now.

Above are some thoughts on Paula Scher: Meet the pros at City Tech who came to talk to students at the end of last semester and gave a great presentation.


Chapter 2: This chapter focuses on visualizations that show relationships between entities. These approaches can be anything from social networks to computer networks. Graphs and Networks include types of graphs and networks, such as node-link diagrams, matrices, and other visual formats. This chapter also provides a historical overview of network visualization, tracing its development and the key figures who have contributed to the field.

Chapter 3: This chapter talks about visualizations that depict data during time. It emphasizes the importance of communicating material data to display trends and patterns.


Meirelles, Isabel. Design for Information : An Introduction to the Histories, Theories, and Best Practices Behind Effective Information Visualizations, Quarto Publishing Group USA, 2013. Chaperter 2 + 3

  • Video 5: Representing Numbers and Letters with Binary: Crash Course Computer Science #4
  • Video 6 How Computers Calculate – the ALU: Crash Course Computer Science #5

Thank you for reading!