A Project Space for ID2 Interns

Melissa Vargas_Journal

“Crash Course Computer Science Preview” highlights its goal to explore the history, concepts, and impact of computer science. While The video “Early Computing: Crash Course Computer Science #1” gives an overview of the evolution of computing technology, from ancient tools like the abacus, to early mechanical calculators and tabulating machines. The video also highlights key inventions and figures such as Leibniz’s Step Reckoner, and Babbage’s Analytical Engine. I found it very interesting how the video gives context to the development of these computing devices based on societal needs, such as in the 1890s with the processing of data for the U.S. Census. Overall, the video highlights the transformative power of computing technology based on specific needs.

1 Comment

  1. Melissa

    Journal #2

    The video “Electronic Computing: Crash Course Computer Science #2” explores the transition from mechanical to electronic computers, highlighting fundamental innovations such as vacuum tubes, transistors, and early computers like ENIAC. These technological advances allowed computers to operate much faster and more efficiently. This topic is fascinating as it demonstrates how these early innovations laid the foundation for the advanced digital technology used today. One particularly interesting fact covered in the video is the origin of the term “computer bug.” It originated after an incident in 1947 when a moth became trapped in the relays of the Harvard Mark II computer, causing a malfunction. This anecdote not only gave rise to the term “bug” in computing but also illustrates the early challenges faced in the field of computing.

    The second video for this week, “Boolean Logic & Logic Gates: Crash Course Computer Science #3”, explains how transistors use simple on/off signals to perform complex tasks through basic operations like NOT, AND, and OR, which are based on Boolean Algebra. Although I had to rewatch the video a couple of times to better grasp its concepts, I found it fascinating how the video demonstrates, through practical examples of these operations in circuits, how they form the foundation of modern computers, making them faster and more efficient.

    Reading “Design for Information: An Introduction to the Histories, Theories, and Best Practices Behind Effective Information Visualizations” by Isabel Meirelles was very helpful as it refreshed my memory of what I learned in my Information Design course. Information design can be understood as the practice of integrating basic methods and graphical principles to visually present information effectively. It involves analyzing and selecting visualizations that not only convey information clearly but also adhere to design strategies that enhance comprehension and engagement.

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