Tag Archives: ADV1100

Botanical Garden Trip

While on our field trip we were sent to look for three real life examples of tint, shade and compliment tint. Here are the examples I found



Compliment tint

Compliment tint



The shade example was the hardest to find, since flowers tend to get lighter as it gets closer to the stem. Despite that, the example I found works really well and blends well between the two states.

The compliment shade was the most beautiful example. In it we were able to see how the two different colors begin to blend together and see the clear transition.

The tint example was the easiest to spot, since like I mentioned before, flowers tend to gt lighter as you go toward the stem. It goes from a muted purple to a white hue.

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Filed under Assignment 5, Coursework, Field Trips

Staccato/Legato Mashup

Although I enjoy music, this project was still very difficult for me. I found that finding the right element to represent what Staccato was, and what Leggato was in the songs I picked (Take Me Out by Franz Ferdinand for Staccato, and What a Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong for Leggato). Nonetheless I did my best and I feel that both of my attempts turned out well.

Staccato Legato


Hour(s) Worked: 6 Hours

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Filed under Assignment 2, Coursework

Cut Paper Compositions

Cut Paper

Picking the four best (2 stable, 2 ambiguous) figure ground relationships, I proceeded to cut black paper, and place it on bristol to further enhance and demonstrate the relationship.

Work Hour(s): 2 hours

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Filed under Assignment 1, Coursework

Inked Thumbnails


Here are my 6 inked Thumbnails, 3 of which represent a stable figure/ground relationship, and 3 which represent an ambiguous figure/ground relationship.

Work Hours: 2 hours

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Filed under Achievements, Assignment 1

Assignment # 1, Research & thumbnail

New Jersey is within my view. I can see the part that is mostly untouched by man-made things. It sits in the background as a constant reminder of the past, while in front of it sits the present. I see buildings of brick & mortar, steel & glass. To the bottom right of the window, a park sits there. Quietly.

The park is full of movement, despite the cold weather. People play soccer and football on the turf, while the kids run up and down the park covered in snow. The pine trees sit, cuddled in the warmth of their leaves while the bare trees sit there lonely, without there leaves. The cars pass by the park, zipping up and down 11th Avenue, rushing to and from work.



Work hour(s): 1 hour

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Filed under Coursework