For this project, I choose the color coral and researched the etymology. Three visual iterations of the word were designed. Coral is a name derived from marine invertebrates that colonize in warm sea beds and they blend three warm colors; pink-orange-red. The etymology of the color is the general name for these marine creatures. In Greek coral is written as κοράλλιον or korΓ‘llion and in Greek mythology the origin of coral is explained as an incident from a tale. Perseus killed and chopped off Medusa’s head and the blood dripping off from her head turned seaweed into coral. There are many uses of coral throughout history. They trail from traditional usage of jewelry, fashion, healing properties, and representations of symbolism. It was believed that the jewelry gave the wearer protection against evil and temptation. 

Sketch concepts

Concept #1- Coral is known for its usage of warm colors such as red pink and orange, since coral derived from a marine animal I wanted to draw a coral with an orange hue. 

Sketches 1

Final #1


Concept #2– The second concept was inspired by the marine animal being used as jewelry. Ancient Egyptians and romans used it to resist evil and temptations. The word coral is curved at the top of the design to finish off the appearance of a coral necklace.

Sketches 2

Final #2


Concept # 3 – This design was inspired by Greek mythology, the tale of Perseus beheading Medusa and her blood turning seaweed into coral by a river. The three red droplets depict the sea weed transforming into coral.

Sketches 3

Final #3


Coral pronunciation

