Quotes Design1.
“For every good reason there is to lie, there is a better reason to tell the truth.”
The Quotation I had chosen is from Bo Bennett. In my first design quotes I had choose an exclamatory mark’s photo for my background. But the shadow of the exclamatory mark is a question mark. Which I think is very interesting and matches this quote. In the other way to look at this quote it is a good question to me. If we tell the truth to the people who we love then maybe will hurt them. So this quote can be an exclamatory mark or a question mark. Also I had make a bigger size of the word “Lie” and “Truth” which make people focus on this two words and use black and white color.
Quotes Design 2.
In my second design quote I had use twilight’s picture for my background. This picture makes me feel warm and match the quote. I had made a bigger size of the words Lie and truth to point out the words. Also use a special font and align text left and right.
In my third design quote I had use a woman who is open her mouth and wear red lipstick’s picture for my background. I had put the word “Lie” into her mouth which is mean people always lie to people. And I had use Red, Black and White which are the color of the image to set as my font color.