
A number of people have asked “what are those branches in the garden…?”  So we  tell them all (well, both people actually) that this is a means of support for future tall and gangly tomatoes & pole beans. The small cross pieces with a reddish hue, are mock orange (Philadelphius coronarius). The large uprights are hemlock; all are from recent prunings of trees growing off-site.

This whole garden plot is a way for any interested student to learn about the fascinating way plants get started, thrive and survive before they are washed, sauteed and enjoyed in a culinary class: just another means to an end. It is so much about process.

Part of the process now is to thin the kale, finish the tomato trellis, and top dress everything w/ compost. This will happen tomorrow, Thursday 7/18, starting at 7:30 am.

Also part of the process is to find some funding (scratch, cheddar) to maintain our stake in the garden.  If any of you have ideas in this regard, or want to meet at the garden tomorrow to help out, contact Mark Hellermann:

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